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Friday, November 5, 2010

Gregor Schmidinger, THE BOY NEXT DOOR (2008)

"I saved $25 ... Do you want to be my friend?"


(USA 2008)

Written & directed by
Gregor Schmidinger


Michael Ellison

Truman Chambers

Jack Brown (Justin's father)
Damon Preston

"Mark, a 25-year-old male prostitute who suffers from anxiety attacks accidentally runs into the 10-year-old son of one of his clients. When the boy tells him he is looking for his father Mark, taken by surprise, wants nothing to do with him. But while they wait for the client to return Mark realizes that maybe this unexpected guest was exactly what he needed. Over the course of the night this strange new friendship grows and gives both Mark and Justin the courage to overcome their fears and face their own personal demons."


The short movie "The Boy Next Door" was written and produced as an in-class project made by Bowling Green State University student Gregor Schmidinger. In 2009, the short movie was shown on festivals all over the place. And in the beginning of 2010, Schmidinger uploaded the movie to his YouTube Channel.

"The Boy Next Door" is supposed to be taken to the next level, by being turned into a full feature movie. The project is in the works, but it needs support. In his vlogs and on the movie's official website, Schmidinger explains what fans of the short movie and everyone interested in the project can do to support the upcoming film.

So, if you like: Click the playlist above, check out the short movie, and the vlogs (2 of them up to now, but I will keep the playlist updated), and get involved as you see fit.


Gregor Schmidinger's YouTube channel
and subscribe

"The Boy Next Door" - Official Website
and get involved

"The Boy Next Door" - Officia Facebook Fanpage
and "Like" it
... sounds funny :-))) ...

Gregor Schmidinger's Blog
and get more in depth info

"The Boy Next Door" - Official IMDb page
for additional details (to come) on the project

