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English: A key topic of this blog certainly is Bullying, and what can be done against it.
Deutsch: Ein Kernthema dieses Blogs is ganz sicherlich Mobbing, und was dagegen getan werden kann.
E: There are still lots of other topics here, too - feel free to cruise around and take a look :-)!
D: Es gibt aber auch noch viele andere Themen - schaut Euch einfach um :-)!
E: I look forward to comments on my blog entries!
D: Ich freue mich über Kommentare zu meinen Blog-Einträgen!

In the banner picture: Libera.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Things that Kel liked

This is a selection of things that Kel liked,
in real life, and on YouTube.

Every topic in the video is presented by an original quote by Kel,
or by by his best friend, Cory,
who was of invaluable assistance to me,
by sending a list of things he remembered,
that Kel was fond of,
to add up to the things I knew about myself.


I dedicate this video to you, Cory.
I could not have made it, without you.



Here's the trailer to Pixar's hilarious movie

Here's the video
Bernard: Ice Climbing

Here's Kel's favourite YouTube video:
Billy Gilman, OKLAHOMA

Für Leser aus Deutschland:
Billy Gilman, OKLAHOMA




Seo Sang In,

Thank you very much,
Katy Maurer from KoME Germany

You have been of great help to me,
finding this song by Seo Sang In,
that Kel loved so much!


Find the wonderful music of Libera
on CD and DVD 



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