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English: A key topic of this blog certainly is Bullying, and what can be done against it.
Deutsch: Ein Kernthema dieses Blogs is ganz sicherlich Mobbing, und was dagegen getan werden kann.
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D: Es gibt aber auch noch viele andere Themen - schaut Euch einfach um :-)!
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Courage is Fire. Bullying is Smoke.

Anm.: Deutsche Version dieses Blogs hier.

Say NO to Bullying

A video made by
(age 16)

Sigur Ros, ARA BATUR

This video was made in memory of Kelvin.

Say NO to Bullying.
Stand up for the weak.
"Courage is Fire. Bullying is Smoke." 


This video was sent to me yesterday via my YouTube channel Kelvinwontcry2. The makers of the video, 16 year old twins Jamie and Maggie from England, have been friends and subscribers to the channel since April 10th 2010. 

Along with the video they shared with me, they sent the following message:

"Hey there.
My name is Jamie. My twin sister and I came across your channel a few months ago and were very touched by your videos and experience with Kelvin. Since then, she and I have become very active in the fight against bullying.

We recently made a video and we decided to dedicate it to Kelvin since his story touched our lives so much. Since you were the reason behind it, we just thought we'd share it with you. Its not exactly the greatest video since it's our first, but we just thought we'd share it anyway.

Maggie and Jamie

(age 16)"

It is hard to put into words, how much I was touched and moved when I watched their video. 
Not only have they done an awesome job in every aspect of collecting immensely expressive pictures, editing the video and choosing a wonderful song to complement the images ... In addition to that, their work shows almost without words where Bullying causes the most devastating damage:
In the heart and the souls of the victims ... where you will not see bruises, or feel broken bones. The hurt that is inflicted there cannot be treated by medicine, patched up by a bandage, or be helped to heal by ointments.
Bullying can cause devastation in a human being that scar and cripple them for life.
You can see the signs, if you look at them with your eyes, listen to them with your ears, and feel with them, by opening your heart. If you do so, you will notice the signs even when no word is said, and no pledge for help is spoken out ...
... And you will know that you are needed.

Jamie and Maggie made an important and moving video. No one who watches it will remain untouched. And by dedicating it to Kelvin (or Kel, as he used to call himself), they made a tremendously special tribute to him, honouring his memory.
I know that Kel, if he was still with us, and had the chance to watch this video, would cry ... yes, I know he would cry  a lot.  Because he would see portrayed what hurt him so much for so long.
But still, Kel would love this video - because of the powerful message that it holds. And Kel would smile through the tears in the end, because he knew (and from his own experience!), that it is possible to stand up against bullies, to say "No!", and to finally end Bullying.

"Courage is Fire. Bullying is Smoke."
"Bullying No Way!"
"I'll make it, you'll see!"

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