Welcome - willkommen!
Blogging in English und auf Deutsch.
English: A key topic of this blog certainly is Bullying, and what can be done against it.
Deutsch: Ein Kernthema dieses Blogs is ganz sicherlich Mobbing, und was dagegen getan werden kann.
E: There are still lots of other topics here, too - feel free to cruise around and take a look :-)!
D: Es gibt aber auch noch viele andere Themen - schaut Euch einfach um :-)!
E: I look forward to comments on my blog entries!
D: Ich freue mich über Kommentare zu meinen Blog-Einträgen!
In the banner picture: Libera.
It was one of several videos I posted on the subject during this month. I will put links for them to the end of this blog here.
And the video has gotten more than 100 comments from viewers up to now, which is awesome. As I reply to every single comment, the video currently displays a total of 220 comments ... and counting.
[Update August 15th: The total number of comments has crossed the 300 mark, and counting]
To go through these statements is an intense read.
Only during the last weeks, I also received a few spiteful comments, that either qualify as bully / troll / hater comments, or openly expressed people's personal issues with homosexuality, which at times lead to a sort of discussion in the comments section. Me, I always rather reply to those comments and enter into a conversation / discussion with those people, instead of just deleting their words, and block them. And it so happened that also a few new viewers then replied to those spiteful comments.
Love.... Ms. LaReina"
I checked the channel profile of this YouTuber, and what I read and sensed there is the reason why I need way more time than usual for a comment reply. Because there are quite a few layers to this.
I think that a blog entry does not always have to be like a rounded mini-essay, describing a train of thought that ends with a conclusion, a revelation, a state of katharsis, or a pun. At times, all we are left with may be simply a question ... or a helping of temporary perplexity.
I just wanted to document that state I am in still, currently, and share this with you. And I have a question to you, dear reader:
Or, possibly even in a more general approach:
What thoughts go through your mind on the topic I deal with in the video, after you hopefully took the time to (re-)watch it?
The other videos I posted during October 2010
on the topic of gay teens' suicides:
"It will get better - if we do something"
a vlog addressed mainly to those who are needed
The silent majority of bystanders
"When the chain of Bullying continues"
a re-upload of a news feature
that resulted in a blog
"When the Freedom of Speech ends - a bully forced to resign"
a playlist of three.piece video re-upload
on the case of Clint McCance
And this is the song I used in the video above: