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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy 16th Birthday, Kel!

Deutsche Version dieses Blogs folgt.

February 5th 2012  -  it's Kel's 16th birthday.

As in the years before, I decided to make and upload a video to commemorate the occasion.

When I met Kel on February 24th 2009, he had just turned 13 a little bit more than two weeks earlier. Today, three years later, he would reach an age that is, in some ways, a milestone in the growing-up process of a kid going through his teenage years and moving towards adulthood.

Especially on such anniversary dates, and during the days and weeks that immediately lead to them, it is very painful and sad to think about what happened, and that Kel had to die for no reason. Still, I always try to get to a point in my thoughts and feelings, where I can start to imagine what might happen if Kel still was with us to enjoy these anniversaries, and to share his joy with us.

I know that he was looking forward to what life still had in store for him. And I know that he would have done his best to make things happen, to achieve opportunities and to reach goals. "I'll make it, you'll see" - this was Kel's trademark sentence, and when he said these words, you'd better take him for serious :-)!

Kel's birthday is (and will always be) a day for me to remember him most fondly, and to feel even a bit closer to him than I usually do. And although I miss him even more then, I still rejoice in thinking about things he would have wanted to achieve and do and share on his special day.

I hope this makes sense.



(by Andrea Castelfranco)



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