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Friday, September 16, 2011

LIFTED - The Movie (Official Trailer, and out now on DVD!)

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(USA 2010)

Written and directed by





Some movies come to me over kinda complex and surprising ways. LIFTED is such a movie. 

In this case, it all started due to my connection to Jaylen Arnold from Florida, who campaigns on education about Tourette's Syndrome (which he suffers from himself) and against Bullying (which he experienced when he went to a public school). Jaylen has joined forces on this campaign work with Hollywood actor Dash Mihok, who is a friend of Jaylen's family, and who shares Jaylen's ordeals to the t (having suffered of both, Tourette's and Bullying as a kid).

Dash Mihok plays one of the lead characters in the movie LIFTED ... well, I guess you can see now where I'm going with that :-)!

By tweets from Jaylen, I got wind of LIFTED already when the film was in it's early stages of production. I saw the teaser trailer directly after it was released, and knew that this was a movie that I wanted to watch, even though any release date etc. were still to be announced.

I followed the production, and even featured the teaser trailer for a while on one of my two YouTube channels. I got a lot of comments there, from people who were amazed by the trailer and wanted to watch the finished movie as soon as it would hit cinemas or be released on DVD.

Well, sometimes, it takes a little longer - but as I always say: Good things are worth the wait! And so, after a massively successful red carpet premier and screenings in selected theaters, LIFTED has now been released on DVD in America (see link above).


The story of this movie is basically a simple one, but many kids and parents (and not only in the US!) will find that they have a very personal connection to it:

"LIFTED is the story of Henry, a middle school student in Alabama, who finds refuge in music from the challenges of his surroundings: a drug addicted mother, a Reservist father recalled to active service in Afghanistan, the financial stress of a Reservist’s pay, a racist, redneck grandfather, and bullying schoolmates. A singing competition provides Henry the vehicle for his personal triumph."

LIFTED inflicts it's special impact on the viewers by the intimate and sensitive description of the main character's relations, which are are being portrayed very emotionally and with great authenticity by actors who actually live their roles, and especially Uriah Shelton will strike you with his acting talent as well as with his great singing, which is one of the core aspects of the movie.

It's a coming of age story, as story of the love between a son to his father and also to his mother - with both those relations being troubled and strained due to the circumstances, and yet deep and true. It's also a story of a boy being bullied for what he is, and what he loves to do.

LIFTED is a movie where, all ideologies and political convictions left aside and looking to the very core of it, we all will find something we can relate to, and that holds a very important and heartfelt message.



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